Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Signs of War and the Drums of History

Sirens sounding again - in northern Israel and in the south. In Netivot, where a dear friend lives, in Ashkelon, Kfar Azza, Nir Am. In the north - Keshet, Achziv Miluiot, in other cities and places across the northern border and southern areas.

Safed has ordered the public bomb shelters to be made ready. Israel is evacuating some (or perhaps all...unclear) Israeli embassies around the world.

The United Arab Emirates is suspending diplomatic coordination with Israel...did you really think they were our friends? And Biden hints at changing US policy towards Israel if it doesn't bow down to him. Just a week ago, it was Haman that demanded the Mordechai bow down before him. Not then. Not now.
Before October 7, all these signs meant we were approaching the brink of war. Would it fizzle or would we again be thrown into the abyss? More often than not, we were able to creep away from the edge. But that was before. Since October 7, we have been at war relentlessly. A war that had no brink, just an endless feeling of falling. The longest war in our history.
Can you fall deeper into the abyss when you are already in hell? Can you go to war...when you are already at war?
Can Iran be insane enough to start a war that will trigger a massive response from Israel? Can they be so blind as not to understand that at this moment, finally, we cannot be played with?
In the past, they attacked and then sobbed to the world...the world said, bad little Israel, go back to your room. And Israel did.
But this time, whether you believe us or not, we will not stop. Not for Biden, not for Putin, not for Sinwar...

We are a nation at war, on the brink of another. I can hear the drums. Who will stand with Israel? Through these terrifying hours as we wait to be attacked by a lunatic in Tehran who sees attacking 8 or 9 million people as justification for our having killed his leading terrorist in Syria, I listen to the news. Who will stand with Israel?

And then I remember...we are not alone though they would have us believe that we are. You see, we have each other...
To our right, is Michael and to our left is Gavriel. In front of us is Uriel and behind us is Raphael and over our heads, Hashem protects us, our patriarchs and our matriarchs, our kings and our prophets.
Shema Yisrael. Listen, Israel. We have nothing to fear. We are an eternal people and the road is long but we are surrounded, protected, blessed.
Am Yisrael Chai. We will dance again.

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